Goodbye from Christchurch and Canterbury

As The Tapestry moves onto it's next destination for the centenary commemorations in Waikato Museum, Hamilton (opening 10th Nov), we received a lovely note from David Morell about the Canterbury Exhibtion.....

"Well it's all over! We were all totally charmed by the tapestry - and having seen it three times, I found it grew on me each time and it became somewhat like an old friend - and I was but one of a number of multiple viewers. The whole concept of the project also became clearer and clearer. We greatly enjoyed having Anne stay here with us for a few days, and took advantage of the opportunity to put our few stitches in. Being the Clutha Mackenzie panel made it rather appropriate in our case as he was from Otago (Balclutha) as are Chris and I (Dunedin). Anne was assiduous in going in to the museum and sitting with the tapestry stitching away - and chatting with visitors who came and went. Chris and I may go down when it is in Dunedin if it is manageable in terms of timing. The Canterbury Museum were very impressed by the professionalism of the whole operation throughout - the cards, the packaging and it seems, the organization too - Neil Phillips the exhibitions manager volunteered that opinion to me at the reception. So the compliment belongs particularly with all at your end including Anne.  and with Rosemary here. It was very nice to meet with her and her husband while they were down. I learned (on the last occasion I went to see the tapestry), from a relative of someone who had been at Mt Felix, that she has donated a Mt Felix Convalescent Hospital cream jug and bowl to our chapel museum. It is in lovely condition.

The chapel is also duly re-opened - and with a flourish it seems. I was MC for my sins, and as always, found myself too close to judge how it went, but all the feedback was that people felt it was a great occasion - so who am I to poke holes in that? The Governor-General, Dame Patsy Reddy,  was very relaxed and engaging. She spoke very well, and had really good rapport with her audience. Dr Richard Acland (Rick - g/son of Sir Hugh) likewise made an excellent speech and a fuller one than he has done previously. The mayor, the Hon Lianne Dalziel always speaks well and this was no exception. Bishop David Coles (ret'd) did the honours in his rochet and chimere, and also spoke very well. Even the MC had an opportunity to put in his two penn'orth in relation to the new stained glass window in memory of Hester Maclean, who was the first Matron-in-Chief of the newly instituted NZ Army Nursing Service. She travelled to the Middle East with the first group of nurses and duly returned to her normal duties in NZ. She was a doughty figure. It does seem to me that the conduct of the nurses in the Marquette disaster allied with the conduct and execution 12 days before,of Nurse Edith Cavell probably did much to  ensure the respect for the nurses for which she had fought - and which was their due.

We have had all this on our minds for many months now, and it is exciting for us all to see the chapel so beautifully restored after 7 years and to feel that it has all gone so satisfyingly well - it has certainly involved a bit of work.

The day after the opening, we launched a new book very well written and produced, by one of the reigning experts on NZ medical and nursing services the WW's 1 & 2. I will send a copy to you at the Riverhouse Barn - and if people there want to buy copies, you or they could let us know - I'm sure there is some way we can arrange to keep the transaction simple enough. Following that there was an Open Day. Fortunately the timing was excellent for our gardens which are in top form.

Many thanks for the wonderful contribution the tapestry made to the WW 1 Centenary here in Christchurch in general and to the chapel re-opening in particular, and for all your help with that. NZ was I think quite traumatized by WW 1 in many ways - it was a small country contributing a very significant proportion of its younger men with one of the highest casualty rates of all. One of our city squares covering two blocks, is currently absolutely covered with white crosses. On behalf of all involved in Christchurch, thank you for everything. What by the way, is the long term plan for the Tapestry?

Best wishes
David Morrell
NM Chapel Trust"
